The following is information outlining the student work opportunities within the EE department, as well as resources for those currently employeed.
The EE department hires undergraduate students for many positions each semester. 学生 are asked to apply and state their preferences for the available positions but no guarantees are given, as assignments are dependant on department needs and scheduling 限制. Below is a list of of the positions normally offered, each with a brief 描述
- 实验室的服务员
在开放时间为我们的数字实验室提供工作人员. 负责用户支持,以及 实验室设施的安全保障. 这项工作经常与教学工作结合在一起 Assistant and 平地机位置 where the TA or 平地机 performs the job of 实验室 Attendant 在做评分工作的时候. - 教学助理
Works with the lab instructor to assist in the learning environment. 他们帮助教学 实验课,通常会给实验书打分. 助教职位向以下学生开放 have taken and done well in the class and lab, and who demonstrate teaching interest, 能力和/或天资. - 平地机
Works with the professor to assist in grading homework for the course. 平地机位置 are open to students who have taken and done well in the class. - 技术员
Work with the lab manager to maintain and repair lab facilities and equipment.
学生 seeking employment need to apply each semester. 这包括new和 以前的员工. 申请可通过以下链接获得. 交付应用程序 在第179页,Chris Pauli. 职位在新学期的第一周就会招满 ssemester, so try get your application in early that week.
学生 seeking employment need to complete the application below as usual, but instead 亲自送去,发邮件给 克里斯.pauli@syria-events.com. Please make sure the schedule portion is complete and accurate.
- EE学生工申请[pdf]
IEEE -电气协会 & 电子工程师
- 会员:任何对网络感兴趣的人
- 网站: http://j37v.syria-events.com/~swe
- 会员:任何对电子学感兴趣的人
- 网站: http://j37v.syria-events.com/~shpe
Tau β
- 会员:只接受邀请. 一个工程荣誉协会,邀请前5%的人 of the Junior Class and the top 8% of the Senior Class to join
- 网站: http://geek.syria-events.com/~tbp
Senior design is a capstone design project undertaken over a full academic year. 项目 undertaken by senior design teams are sponsored by industry, research laboratories 和老师. Each design team works under the supervision of their customers, and 是否得到指导老师的支持. 这些努力的结果总结在 学生们创作的海报. 以下是海报电子版的链接 这些都被打印出来并显示在部门里.
实验室 & 计算机信息
- EE accounts will be provided free of charge to EE faculty, EE majors, NMT students taking an EE class and students/faculty that have sufficient reason.
- The EE department reserves the right to create, delete, search and/or disable any 在任何时候开户.
- The owner of the account is responsible for all data stored in the account.
- Accounts may not contain data which may be deemed illegal or offensive.
- While efforts are made to ensure data security, ultimately it is the users responsibility 用于备份和保留重要文件. EE部门不负责 遗失资料.
- 帐户可用于
- 托管个人网页
- 存储EE相关用户文件
- 存储个人用户文件
- 远程登录
- The EE network is available for use by any individual associated with 电气工程 在核磁测井仪.
- The EE network is to be used primarily for completing labs, homework and other school 相关的任务. 个人使用也可以,但不优先. 个人用户 should surrender their computer to anyone doing academic work.
- The following uses of the EE Network are allowed but may be limited
- Chat/messaging is allowed as long as a web-based solution is used. 安装 不允许使用聊天/消息软件.
- Web surfing is allowed as long as the content is not offensive.
- The ability to play music and/or sound is present and allowed as long as headphones are used and the music/sound is not audible by others.
- 允许SSH进出EE网络.
- 允许查看/发送电子邮件. 建议使用EE web邮件.
- Users are NOT allowed to install, delete or modify any software without the permission 系统管理员.
- Users are NOT allowed to open, move or modify any computer equipment without the permission 系统管理员.
Please contact the lab manager if you have any questions.
Your password is your only line of defense from the outside world. 有人知道吗? it, can guess it or can figure it out, has access to your entire user account. 这 includes reading email, deleting or modifying that users files, performing illegal 活动等等.
Beyond that risk, those clever enough to access your account will be one step closer 更深入地侵入EE网络. 这是黑客获取权限的最简单方法 to a server is first to enter as a normal user and then try to gain access to higher 该服务器或其他联网服务器的级别. 通过让所有用户保持良好 passwords, the servers first line of defense is strengthened. 换句话说,就是拥有 a good password not only safe guards your account but all other user accounts as well.
- 使用SSH登录geek.syria-events.com
- 输入“密码”
- 按照提示操作
- 你自己,包括昵称
- of your spouse or significant other, of your parents, children, siblings, pets, or 其他家庭成员
- of fictional characters, especially ones from fantasy or sci-fi stories, video games, 等.
- 任何地方或专有名词(包括名人)
- 计算机或计算机系统的
- 您的电话号码
- 你的社会安全号码
- 任何人的生日
- 您的驾驶执照号码或车牌
- 您的房间号或地址
- 任何常见的数字,比如3.1415926 or 1.618034
- 任何系列,如1248163264
- 大写(Johndoe)
- 翻了一倍(johndoejohndoe)
- 逆转(eodnhoj)
- 反映(johndoeodnhoj)
- 置(j0hnd03)
- 加上文字、数字或符号的!(约翰·多,约翰·多).
Any single word in any dictionary in any language in any form.
Any single word you think is not in a dictionary, including
- 任何俚语或淫秽
- 任何技术术语或行话
- 密码必须是同一个字母
- 简单的键盘模式(qwerty, asdfjkl)
- anything that someone might easily recognize if they see you typing it
Any object that is in your field of vision at your workstation
A password from a site designed to help others create good passwords.
- 使用一个不常见的单词或短语.
- Use at least one lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number and symbol.
- Create passwords from simple phrases (Ihv8p$wd = I have a password).
- Create passwords from phrases constructed from unrelated words (InsanePassOGeek)
- Use a minimum of 8 characters (any more than 16 characters is not practical).
- 每6个月左右换一次.
- 水晶(字典词)
- 水晶(字典单词w/大写字母)
- 水晶9(字典单词/数字)
- 水晶! (字典单词w/字符)
- cry$tal(字典里的单词,字母通常是变化的)
- latsyrc(字典单词倒过来)
- 杰西卡(姓名或地点)
- 狗猫(两个字典单词)
- dog3cat(两个字典单词w/number)
- 12345678(全部数字)
- 水晶(字典单词w/ramdon CAPS)
- cry#stal (Dictionary word w/character(s) breaking up the word)
- conpuuter (Dictionary word w/several modifications "computer")
- “我有密码”这句话
- Ihav8p$$wdd (Longer more complicated phrase "I have a password")
- ford-V8-351-2v (14 characters and created from popular Ford engine)
- 6q3mpaG\ip8ef~3* (16 characters long using all types of random letters, numbers and
- IHasGreatestPassDaddyOfNorthIreland! (36字长,使用许多不相关的单词